April 25, 2014
Here’s Cringeworthy Video of Four Anti-Gay Christian Leaders Discussing Homosexuality

Earlier this week, I got a bit distracted at night because I heard they were live-streaming the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) conference. Since the ERLC is part of the Southern Baptist Convention… and since they were talking about homosexuality… and since I’m a masochist, I figured: “Okay, I gotta watch this.” That was a mistake. I spent nearly an hour listening to one bigoted pastor drone on about the problems with homosexuality… and then another hour listening to a large panel of bigots drone on about the problems with homosexuality. And I think you should watch, too. At least the panel discussion. Why put yourself through that? Because you need to understand how regressive and ignorant the largest Protestant group in America is. The panel — which includes Greg Belser, Jimmy Scroggins, J.D. Greear, and failed sociologist Mark Regnerus — begins at the 1:21 mark below (that’s in hours:minutes, by the way): Read more

April 25, 2014
An Anthropology Professor Confronts Campus Preachers… and They Get the Best of Him
April 25, 2014
A New Blog for Pastors Who Are Secretly Atheists
April 24, 2014
Saying Goodbye to Unreasonable Faith
April 24, 2014
Pat Robertson Tells Man in Near-Sexless Marriage His Wife Was Probably “Molested as a Child”
April 24, 2014
Sri Lanka Throws British Traveler in Jail Over Her Buddha Tattoo, Intends to Deport Her
April 24, 2014
Illinois Family Institute: Exposing Dan Savage Is Like Revisiting Auschwitz

Dan Savage is not the face of the LGBT rights movement, nor should he be (more on that in a moment). But Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute has much harsher words than that for Savage, comparing his views on homosexuality in society to lynching, the Holocaust, clubbed baby seals, and “napalmed Vietnamese girls.” About a year ago, shortly after the Supreme Court struck down a provision of the Defense of Marriage Act, Savage appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss the ruling, his It Gets Better Project, and some of his widely-known perspectives on LGBT life. Just two weeks ago, Higgins was oddly inspired to encourage IFI members to watch the video. She warned them of how “repugnant” it was, but affirmed nonetheless that true Christians needed to know just what they were dealing with: Read more

April 24, 2014
The Real Problem with Female Masturbation is That Evangelicals Are Too Sex-Negative To Talk About It Honestly
April 24, 2014
Despite What This Group Says, “Homosexual Aggression” Isn’t Limiting the Career Options for Christians
April 24, 2014
Catholic Group’s Easter Display in Downtown Chicago Vandalized
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