May 7, 2014
Was This Student Rejected from School Because of His Faith?
May 7, 2014
The Author of an Incredible Book About the Joy of Being an Atheist Announces Film Project
May 7, 2014
Todd Starnes: Atheists Fighting to Protect the First Amendment Remind Me of Hitler
May 7, 2014
Once-Atheist Comedian is Now a Little Closer to God
May 7, 2014
Conservative Christian Group Celebrates Divorce of Gay Bishop: “It’s a Good Thing”
May 7, 2014
New Hampshire Father Protests a Youth Novel, Is Arrested For Exceeding His Allotted Time at a School Board Meeting
May 7, 2014
Todd Starnes Claims Fifth-Grader Isn’t Allowed to Read Bible at School; Once Again, the Facts Say Otherwise

The latest pseudo-example of society persecuting Christians comes to us from Lauderdale Lakes, Florida. And it has the Todd Starnes Stamp of Bullshit, which gives you an indication of how much of the story you’re not hearing… Here’s the abridged version of the story as Starnes tells it: Park Lakes Elementary School fifth-grader Giovanni Rubeo was reading his Bible at school when a teacher made him stop. The teacher even called his dad and said, “He’s not permitted to read those books in my classroom.” The district’s legal department later told the dad that his son could read the Bible “before school, after school and during lunch, in accordance to the law.” Which is clearly code for “not during school.” And that’s where Starnes ends his story. Oh. Wait. I forgot Starnes’ last line: “Had the kid been reading Fifty Shades of Grey, he probably would’ve been given a gold star.” Yep, because those godless Communist teachers love it when children read a badly-written story of BDSM… Anyway, what happens when we dig a little deeper into this story? Read more

May 7, 2014
Creationist Ken Ham: Teaching Evolution to Children Reminds Me of This Quotation by Hitler
May 7, 2014
Conservative Christian Group Posts Positive Article About Local Muslims and Members Flip Out, Forcing an Apology

The Family Policy Institute of Washington (state) is one of those anti-gay groups that thinks giving the LGBT community equal rights is tantamount to chaos. Normally, I fight against groups like that. But for the past month or so, the FPIW has actually been doing something pretty interesting: They’ve been visiting places of worship for faiths other than their own in an effort to showcase non-Christian groups that “share our commitment to life, marriage, religious freedom, and parental rights.” The articles don’t really go into controversial social issues so much as they simply introduce the Christian readers to a different religion. They’ve already visited a Sikh temple, a Catholic church, and a Seventh-day Adventist Church with no problems. But then, last week, they posted about a visit to a local mosque and all hell broke loose. Read more

May 7, 2014
Expand Your Vocabulary, Courtesy of the Bible
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