May 25, 2021
Evangelist Robin Bullock: If You Mock Me, God Will Lead You to “Insanity”
May 25, 2021
On Deathbed, Catholic Priest Implies He Murdered Altar Boy in 1972
May 24, 2021
Christian Mother: God Wants Women to Be “Submissive” and “Meek,” Not “Right”
May 24, 2021
Christian Hate Group Overreacts After HS Graduation Includes Misstated Pledge
May 24, 2021
Christian Hate-Preacher: The “Elites” Who Got Vaccinated Just Got “Sugar Water”
May 24, 2021
Preacher: I Treated God as a Real Person, and He Helped Me Stop a Kidnapping
May 24, 2021
Here Are All the Problems with Christian Apologist Frank Turek’s Weird Sex Tweet
May 23, 2021
“Prophet” Who Promised Trump Victory Says You’ll Get Leprosy If You Question Him
May 23, 2021
Southern Baptist Leader Condemns Rainbow LEGO Blocks: “This Is Insanity”
May 23, 2021
A Canadian Church, Violating COVID Rules, Held a Maskless In-Person Graduation
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