April 30, 2020
Critics Vilify NYC Mayor For Saying Cops Will Enforce COVID-19 Rules: “OK Nazi”
April 29, 2020
Creationist Ken Ham Shared This Bizarre Drawing from a Young Fan
April 29, 2020
100 Ohio Pastors Irresponsibly Urge Governor to Let Stay-at-Home Order Expire
April 29, 2020
A Business Magnate Turned President Plugs a False COVID Cure, and It’s Not Trump
April 29, 2020
Study: Over 80% of States Allow Religious Exemptions for Social Distancing
April 29, 2020
Pastors Don’t Always Talk About Abortion, But When They Do, They Demonize It
April 29, 2020
FOX News Claims There Was an Anti-Christian “Cyberattack” on “Secret Church”
April 29, 2020
Turkish Government Backs Muslim Cleric Who Said Homosexuality Causes HIV
April 29, 2020
Dennis Prager: COVID Lockdown Is “Greatest Mistake in the History of Humanity”
April 29, 2020
David Barton: Governors Fear the Virus Because They’re Not Christian Enough
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