August 4, 2020
Openly Gay Singer Reveals the “Dark Cloud Over the Christian Music Industry”
August 4, 2020
Petition Calls on U. of Lynchburg to Cut Ties with Liberty U. and Falwell, Sr.
August 4, 2020
These Redesigned Mississippi State Flags Are All Better Than the Old Racist One
August 4, 2020
Florida Pastor Sues Over Mask Mandate Because They Get in the Way of Prayer
August 3, 2020
Megachurch Leader: Pastors with Online Services “Don’t Know What a Church Is”
August 3, 2020
Anti-LGBTQ Trump Appointee Blames “Anti-Christian Sentiment” After Getting Fired
August 3, 2020
Jerry Falwell, Jr. Posted This Bizarre Picture on Instagram… Then Deleted It
August 3, 2020
MAGA Cultist Pastor: If God Makes Me Go Viral, I “Might As Well Just Walk In It”
August 3, 2020
Catholic Priest Who Said People Were “Cowering in Fear” of COVID Now Has COVID
August 3, 2020
Lake Wales (FL) Officials Can’t Handle an Atheist Invocation on the Agenda
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