April 8, 2014
Former Baseball Player Says of Teammate Convicted of Sexual Assault: ‘I Was Fooled by Chad Curtis’ Religious Beliefs’
April 8, 2014
New Documentary, Narrated by <em>Star Trek</em>‘s Kate Mulgrew and With Atheist Interviewees, Says the Sun Circles the Earth
April 8, 2014
UK Government Official: ‘We’re a Christian Nation… Get Over It’

Over the weekend, Eric Pickles (below), the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in the UK, made a remarkable claim in London: “I’ve stopped an attempt by militant atheists to ban councils having prayers at the start of meetings if they wish,” said Pickles. “Heaven forbid. We’re a Christian nation. We have an established church. Get over it. And don’t impose your politically correct intolerance on others. Pickles rewrote the laws in 2012 to ban lawsuits against parish councils for their public prayers (though the National Secular Society begs to differ on his impact). So it’s intolerant when “militant atheists” (which means what, exactly?) attempt to keep a government meeting neutral, but imposing religious prayers at those meetings is somehow inclusive? Non-theistic groups in the region are already weighing in on the matter, holding very little back. Read more

April 8, 2014
Bedtime Bible Stories
April 8, 2014
Do Churches in New Zealand Really Deserve Tax Breaks? A Filmmaker Would Like to Tackle That Question
April 7, 2014
This Week, a Catholic School Will Host a Conversation About the Harm Religion Can Inflict Upon Children
April 7, 2014
After Pushback, Science Museum Removes ‘Evolution’ Disclaimer from Posters
April 7, 2014
Christian Couple in Pakistan is Sentenced to Death For Blasphemy Against Islam
April 7, 2014
NPR: The IRS Lets Churches and Religi-Businesses Get Away With Stunning Bookkeeping Shenanigans

What’s the difference between running a church and running a religious business? The Internal Revenue Service is happy to pretend that there isn’t one, NPR’s John Burnett found in a two-part investigation: Televangelists have a choice when they deal with the IRS. Some, like Pat Robertson and Billy Graham, register as religious organizations. They’re exempt from most taxes but still must file disclosure reports showing how they make and spend their money. Daystar [one the largest religious TV networks in America] and dozens of others call themselves churches, which enjoy the greatest protection and privacy of all nonprofit organizations in America. Churches avoid not only taxes, but any requirement to disclose their finances. And, as NPR has learned, for the past five years churches have avoided virtually any scrutiny whatsoever from the federal government’s tax authority. Read more

April 7, 2014
After Depriving College of Funds for Reading Program with LGBT Themes, State Senators Vote Against Its Trustees, Too
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