October 14, 2020
MAGA Pastor: How Dare Anyone Criticize Donald Trump’s “Character”?!
October 14, 2020
Indian Jewelry Company Withdraws Ad Featuring Hindu-Muslim Couple After Backlash
October 14, 2020
Someone at a 50-Man Michigan Church Retreat Got COVID, and They’re All in Denial
October 14, 2020
A Wisconsin Man is Angry the Mayor of Ashland Skipped “Under God” in the Pledge
October 14, 2020
COVID-Denying Pastor Denies Climate Change: God Gave Us a “Disposable Planet”
October 14, 2020
An Iowa Church Burned Down Because Someone Was Trying to Smoke Out a Rat
October 13, 2020
Ireland Will Begin Phasing Default-Catholicism Out of Many Secondary Schools
October 13, 2020
Kenneth Copeland: “Lazy Christians” Are Why Michele Bachmann Isn’t President
October 13, 2020
Right-Wing Pastor: Christians Who Criticize the President Are Angering God
October 13, 2020
Donald Trump is Losing Support from White Evangelicals at a Critical Time
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