October 31, 2020
E.W. Jackson Laughably Says Trump Isn’t “Influenced by Money or Power or Fame”
October 31, 2020
CA Church Sued for Ignoring COVID Restrictions and Not Paying $350,000 in Fines
October 31, 2020
FOX News’ Jeanine Pirro: Thanks to Trump, I Say “Merry Christmas” Louder Now
October 31, 2020
Glenn Beck: We Aren’t Just Fighting Democrats; “We Are Fighting Satan Himself”
October 30, 2020
If You Care About “Religious Liberty,” Then You Shouldn’t Be Voting for Trump
October 30, 2020
Christian “Prophetess” Defends Trump: Even Angels Use the Phrase “Sleepy Joe”
October 30, 2020
Michigan Church That Doesn’t Require Masks Linked to 58 COVID Cases
October 30, 2020
Appeals Court: Maine Doesn’t Have to Fund Religious Schools with Taxpayer Money
October 30, 2020
Conservative Christian Leader: A Man is “Responsible for How His Wife Votes”
October 30, 2020
Anti-Abortion Activist Laughably Claims Trump “Cares for the Most Vulnerable”
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