November 2, 2020
Peeing Pastor Resigns, Shuts Down Ministry, and Gets Hit With $2 Million Lawsuit
November 2, 2020
David Barton: The Bible Forbids Adultery, So We Can’t Support LGBTQ Rights
November 2, 2020
Pastor Rick Joyner, Who Said the U.S. Was Defeating COVID with Prayer, Has COVID
November 2, 2020
Researchers Say Religion Makes the Gender Wage Gap Worse (by $1,734 Per Year)
November 1, 2020
Charter School Parents Sue School Over Poetry Book’s “Assault on Christianity”
November 1, 2020
GOP Senator: Women Can Do Anything… If They’re Anti-Abortion and “Traditional”
November 1, 2020
POLITICO: Here’s How Falwell Got Away with All Kinds of Corruption at Liberty U.
November 1, 2020
Atheists Warn Chicago Cops: Don’t Get Your Horses Blessed at Church Services
October 31, 2020
Podcast Ep. 346: Why Does Jerry Falwell, Jr. Want His Old Reputation Back?
October 31, 2020
Canada’s Conversion Therapy Ban Moves Forward Despite Conservatives’ Bad Logic
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