March 13, 2021
Christian Conspiracist: Donald Trump Sits in the “Presidency Seat in Heaven”
March 12, 2021
Racist High School Basketball Announcer Defends Himself By Saying He’s Baptist
March 12, 2021
Evangelist: Prophets Like Me Can “Call” Donald Trump Back Into the White House
March 12, 2021
MAGA Christians Protest Florida School District’s Sensible Pro-LGBTQ Guidelines
March 12, 2021
Man Who Said God Prevented COVID Now Credits God for Helping Him Overcome COVID
March 12, 2021
Arkansas Lawmaker Files Bill to Teach Creationism in Science Classes
March 12, 2021
Study Finds Link Between Evangelicals and Google Searches for a Bigger Penis
March 12, 2021
GOP Lawmaker: Cain Killed Abel in the Bible, Therefore We Don’t Need Gun Control
March 11, 2021
Christian Death-Cult Leader: Everyone Should Avoid “So-Called ‘Vaccines'”
March 11, 2021
Christian Apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate Took Advantage of a “Vulnerable Woman”
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