August 4, 2021
Christian Pastor: If Something Crashed in Roswell, “It’s of Demonic Origin”
August 4, 2021
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Went Up in June (But Pre-COVID Numbers Were Higher)
August 4, 2021
Christian “Prophet”: Jesus Rode on My Motorcycle and I Have a Painting of It
August 4, 2021
Christian Author: God Sent COVID to Punish Us for Promoting “the LGBT Agenda”
August 4, 2021
Pastor Tony Spell: “We Refuse to Comply” With Any Mask or Vaccine Mandates
August 4, 2021
Gay Oregon Official Threatened with Rock by Christian Calling Him “Blasphemous”
August 4, 2021
Christian MAGA Cultists Claims COVID Vaccines “Violate… the Nuremberg Code”
August 3, 2021
Scott Lively: If “Patriots” Lose in 2022, Christians Should “Go Underground”
August 3, 2021
Evangelist Robin Bullock: My Preaching Caused Saddam Hussein to Release Hostages
August 3, 2021
CA Pastor Tells Church: “Do Your Job as Christians” and Recall Gavin Newsom!
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