March 24, 2020
PA Lawmaker’s Resolution Says COVID-19 is God’s “Punishment” for Our Sins
March 23, 2020
Ark Encounter Ticket Sales Went Up a Bit in February
March 23, 2020
Christian Activist: In This Pandemic, Donald Trump is “So Sensitive to God”
March 23, 2020
A KY Church Ignored Social Distancing Advice; Now, a Worshiper Has COVID-19
March 23, 2020
Mormons Irresponsibly Gathered in Utah Airport to Greet Returning Missionaries
March 23, 2020
Ohio’s Governor Issues Stay-at-Home Order That Doesn’t Apply to Churches
March 23, 2020
Preacher: Trump’s Family Gave Up “Personal Comfort” for You Ungrateful People
March 23, 2020
Ireland Won’t Accept an Atheist’s New Religion Since He Was Once a Pastafarian
March 23, 2020
Liberty U. Professor: The Board Must Close the School Since Falwell Won’t Do It
March 22, 2020
Sudan Is on the Verge of Abolishing the Death Penalty for Apostasy
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