April 6, 2020
Listen to This “Prophet” Share His Dream of Dr. Fauci Turning into a Big Rat
April 6, 2020
Supreme Court Rejects Case Involving DC Metro Saying No to Religious Ads
April 6, 2020
Manhattan Church Aims To Lift the Mood By Blasting Fake Bells Four Times a Day
April 6, 2020
Ignorant Wisconsin Republicans Want the Governor to Open Churches for Easter
April 5, 2020
Right-Wing Pastor: Avoid COVID-19 Vaccines Since They’re from the “Pit of Hell”
April 5, 2020
Self-Described “Prophet”: Dr. Fauci is a “Big Rat” Sent by Satan to Thwart Trump
April 5, 2020
Evangelist Franklin Graham: COVID-19 Exists Because Man “Turned His Back on God”
April 5, 2020
Prophetic Minister: Remote-Controlled Mini-Robot Rats Are Thwarting Trump
April 5, 2020
MAGA Cultist Who Downplayed COVID-19 Dies of COVID-19
April 5, 2020
Some Christians Are Still Going to Church, Citing Protection by “Jesus’ Blood”
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