August 8, 2020
CA District Attorney Designates a “Sanctuary County for Worship and Praise”
August 8, 2020
Preacher: Satan Caused the COVID Crisis to Mess Up Trump’s Re-Election Campaign
August 8, 2020
Robert Jeffress, Using Bad Math, Claims Democrats Are a “Godless Party”
August 7, 2020
Scott Lively: Gay People Have Led the Way for “Cultural Marxism”
August 7, 2020
Jerry Falwell, Jr. is Taking an “Indefinite Leave of Absence” from Liberty U.
August 7, 2020
Atheist Groups Urge Congress Not to Use COVID Cash to Boost Religious Schools
August 7, 2020
Priest to Lector: Don’t Wear a “Black Lives Matter” Shirt. Lector to Priest: No.
August 7, 2020
Update: Canadian Pastor Jailed in Myanmar for Defying COVID-19 Precautions
August 7, 2020
One Man With COVID Visited an Ohio Church; 91 People Got Infected as a Result
August 7, 2020
Survey: Most Americans Oppose Religious Exemptions to COVID Rules
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