November 27, 2013
Atheists Appears on Oklahoma Morning Talk Show to Promote Charity Drive
November 27, 2013
If Scalia Doesn’t Believe in a Literal Devil, Then What Does He Believe In?
November 26, 2013
No, He’s Not Defending You Either
November 26, 2013
‘Godless’ Comedian Sarah Silverman: Atheists Are ‘Just As Obnoxious’ as Believers
November 26, 2013
Why Isn’t Pope Francis Bringing People Into the Pews?
November 26, 2013
Jewish Court Tries to Force Mother to Circumcise Her Young Son, on Penalty of Daily Fines

An Israeli rabbinical court has told a mother who is divorcing her husband that she must have her young son ritually circumcised. She’s being fined $140 a day until she complies. The rabbinical judges in the case said in their decision the woman was opposing the circumcision as a means to bringing her husband back to her. They also referred explicitly to the growing debate around ritual male circumcision elsewhere in the world, and voiced their fear of the precedent that could be created by a Jewish Israeli woman allowed not to circumcise her son. “We have witnessed for some time now public and legal struggles against the brit milah in many countries in Europe and in the United States,” the judges wrote. “The public in Israel has stood as one man against these trends, seeing them as yet another aspect of displays of anti-Semitism that must be combatted.” Read more

November 26, 2013
Watauga School District Will Accept Non-Theist Posters, but Principals Don’t Have to Display Them
November 26, 2013
Did the Gay Waitress Who Claims She Received a Hateful Note From a Customer Fabricate the Whole Thing?
November 26, 2013
In Downtown Chicago, Near a Life-Size Nativity Scene, a Scarlet ‘A’ Goes Up Alongside an Atheist Banner
November 26, 2013
Students Victorious in Lawsuit Against Public High School’s Mandatory Come-to-Jesus Assembly

Last April, students at Northwest Rankin High School in Mississippi attended a mandatory assembly featuring representatives from nearby Pinelake Baptist Church who told the students that they needed to accept Jesus in their lives. They even showed a video: In the video, two young men were interviewed who had once led “troubled” lives. To find hope, the men described various behaviors such as turning to drugs, sex, cutting, suicide, and the like. They then explained how turning to Jesus Christ solved their problems and recommended that other people turn to Jesus Christ as well. The American Humanist Association said at the time that when students tried to leave the Performing Arts Building so they wouldn’t have to listen to the preaching, they “were harassed by a principal and told to sit down.” The Appignani Humanist Legal Center of the AHA immediately sent the school a complaint letter (PDF). After not hearing back from the administration, they filed a lawsuit (PDF) against the school in which the extensive and jaw-dropping details about the assembly were listed in full. But why read that when you can just watch a video of the assembly taken by students? Read more

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