February 5, 2014
Florida Group’s Proposal to Put Atheist Monument Outside Levy County Courthouse Gets Rejected by Local Officials
February 5, 2014
On Facebook, Ray Comfort Demands Respect, Bans People for Mockery, Blasphemy, Not Capitalizing God
February 5, 2014
New York State Senator Says Inclusion of ‘Under God’ in the Pledge is a ‘Unifying Legacy’ of Our Nation’s History
February 5, 2014
How Should Nonbelievers Label Themselves? Humanist Roy Speckhardt Says It Doesn’t Matter

As we’ve seen, David Silverman of American Atheists recently took umbrage to the term “secular Jew.” Silverman wants Jews who don’t believe in God to assert their atheism and stop identifying as Jews. He believes that nonbelievers should “come out” to their families and friends and in some instances their work colleagues, identifying themselves as atheists. He argues that when religionless Americans avoid the word “atheist” to describe themselves for fear of sounding exclusionary, they are being dishonest. “Atheist is the correct word that has simply been made into a bad word by bigots,” he said, arguing that only the word “atheist” accurately conveys the proper meaning to people who are believers, “and telling the truth benefits everyone.” Friendly Atheist guest contributor Kate Bigam raised her voice in protest, arguing that “secular Jew” is most assuredly a perfectly fine descriptor of many people whose culture and heritage is Jewish, even if they never open the Torah or go to a synagogue. Now, at the Huffington Post, Roy Speckhardt of the American Humanist Association weighs in. Speckhardt would like all nontheists to present a more or less united front, without petty squabbling about labels. Read more

February 5, 2014
Was the Creationism Debate Worth It?
February 4, 2014
Science v. Creationism, Special Flintstones Version
February 4, 2014
The Creation Debate in a Nutshell
February 4, 2014
Liveblogging the Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham Debate
February 4, 2014
Pastor Delivers Bizarre Rant Against Nicolas Cage, Hollywood, and ‘Ungodly Wicked Whoremongers’
February 4, 2014
Why Is This Minnesota Public School Sending Students on a Field Trip to Church?
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