February 13, 2014
Irish Broadcaster Falls For ‘a Neat Orwellian Trick,’ Agrees That Homophobes May Be the <em>Real</em> Victims of Homophobia

Irish drag artist Miss Panti Bliss (a.k.a. Rory O’Neill) went on national TV late last month, and called people who actively campaign against gay rights “homophobes.” That would be unremarkable in most of the developed world, and a legally protected opinion to boot. But in Ireland, not so much. [O’Neill] was threatened with legal action for defamation by the writer John Waters …, by the [conservative Catholic] Iona Institute, who made the video [that O’Neill had criticized], and by Breda O’Brien, an Irish Times columnist. And then, RTÉ, Ireland’s national broadcaster, went through the looking glass. In a matter of weeks, it paid Waters €40,000 ($54,000) in damages. O’Brien and the Iona Institute received €45,000 ($61,000) between them. RTÉ also decided to issue an apology for O’Neill’s comments. Read more

February 13, 2014
Answering ‘Questioning Darwin’
February 12, 2014
Once Again, Congressman Rush Holt Recognizes Darwin Day in the House of Representatives
February 12, 2014
What Should a Religious Couple Do When One of Them Becomes an Atheist?

Suppose that you were religious when you got married but you eventually began to question your faith… What if, years down the line, you had a conversation like this with your still-religious partner? “Could you see yourself still being married to me if I were no longer a Christian?” I asked. After a brief stunned silence, she replied: “Well, I don’t know how to answer that because that wouldn’t be you.” Gulp. I ventured a little further. “Well, what if it were me? What if I weren’t a believer anymore? Could you still see us together?” After a long thoughtful pause, she answered: “But that’s not the man I married. That wouldn’t be you.” Neil Carter had that experience and it led to him and his wife visiting a counselor… from their church. Which didn’t exactly work out: Read more

February 12, 2014
Why Can’t Those Atheists Be Nicer?
February 12, 2014
Pastor Rage-Preaches Against Divorced People Who Get Remarried
February 12, 2014
An End to Pastagate: Student Union in London Apologizes For Removing Posters of Flying Spaghetti Monster
February 12, 2014
National Science Foundation Finds That Americans’ Belief in Astrology Is the Highest It’s Been In 30 Years
February 12, 2014
Monthly Exile for Menstruating Hindu Women in Nepal: It’s Lonely and Dangerous, ‘But the Fear of Sin Is Bigger’
February 12, 2014
Should Scientists Debate Creationists? I’ve Changed My Mind…
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