April 2, 2014
Todd Starnes Has Another Story of Christian Persecution; Doesn’t Say That Victim’s Father is Promoting His Book
April 2, 2014
Another Dramatization of a Message Written on a Christian Forum
April 2, 2014
<em>Mother Jones</em> Probe Finds That Hobby Lobby Invests Millions in Makers of Birth-Control Pills and Abortifacients
April 2, 2014
8 Reasons Purity Balls Are Just Plain Creepy and Wrong
April 1, 2014
Secular Coalition for America Fails Nearly 60% of Congress (Including Many, Many Republicans) in 2013 Scorecard
April 1, 2014
Beware Beach Baptisms: the Lord Giveth and He Taketh Away
April 1, 2014
The Debate Over Gay Marriage is Precisely What Christians Will Be Known For

Blogger Kristen Howerton, writing for On Faith, asks Christians what she perceives to be a vital question: Christians will likely continue to be divided over the issue of same-sex marriage and relationships. But unfortunately, these debates seem to be taking center stage as we interact with the world. Is this what we want to be known for? My hope is that we can begin to make peace with each other over this issue and move forward despite our differences, and put the focus back where it’s supposed to be: sharing God’s love. “Is this what we want to be known for?” That’s a great question… 10 years ago. Now, it makes about as much sense as asking people if they still prefer their CD players over their iPods. The majority of us answered and moved past the gay marriage question a long time ago. The better question is: “What’s taking Protestants so damn long to do the same?” Read more

April 1, 2014
In Response to Public Elementary Schools’ Bible Giveaway, Atheists Offer Their Own Books… and Parents Keep Kids Home
April 1, 2014
Did Atheist Author Barbara Ehrenreich Have a Pretty Brain Fart, or Did She Truly Experience ‘A Wild God’?
April 1, 2014
After Blocking Child’s Attempt to Make the Wooly Mammoth South Carolina’s State Fossil, Senator Withdraws Objection
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