April 12, 2014
Did You Miss the First Episode of ‘Your Inner Fish’? You Can Now Watch It Online
April 11, 2014
Who’s Publishing the ‘Least Credible History Book in Print’?
April 11, 2014
Catholic Church Refuses to Sell Former Den of Pedophile Vice to Same-Sex Couple… For Fear of ‘Gay Weddings’
April 11, 2014
What Ayaan Hirsi Ali Would’ve Said Upon Receiving An Honorary Doctorate from Brandeis University
April 11, 2014
Bible Society Relabels ‘Antagonists’ As ‘Skeptics’; Hardcore Doubters Are Now As Numerous As True Bible Lovers

People who dismiss the Bible as just a bunch of man-made stories are now as numerous as those who are so enamored of the Good Book that they read it at least four times a week: The number of Americans who read Scripture at least four times a week and believe that it is the inspired word of God has fallen to just under 1 in 5, according to new research from the American Bible Society (ABS). The same percentage of Americans (19 percent) are now “antagonistic” toward the Bible, reading it less than once per month and believing it is a book of teachings written by men that contain stories and advice. “Antagonistic” is a loaded descriptor, something the ABS belatedly realized. So after their initial release, earlier this week, the survey results were recast as follows, according to Christianity Today: Read more

April 11, 2014
Best Protest Ever: Students Walk Out During Anti-Gay Lecture, Leaving Room All but Empty
April 11, 2014
This Is How Bizarre and Ineffective Sex Education Is In Mississippi Schools
April 11, 2014
U.S. Dept. of Justice to Supreme Court: If Mount Soledad Cross is Ruled Unconstitutional, We Will Defend It

I can’t believe we’re still having a conversation about the Mount Soledad cross. But it looks like the U.S. Government wants to defend it, so we have to keep talking about it. A quick recap: This controversy, which began nearly 25 years ago, is the longest-running Establishment Clause case in American history. It involves the Mount Soledad cross in San Diego — a huge cross on public land erected in 1954. After the now-deceased Philip Paulson challenged the cross’ constitutionality more than two decades ago and after atheist Steve Trunk took up the case a few years ago, atheists have generally prevailed in the court system. In 2012, the Supreme Court declined to hear any more challenges from Christian groups, putting the future of the cross back in the hands of lower courts. Read more

April 11, 2014
What Does the ‘Gospel of Jesus’s Wife’ Papyrus Tell Us?

When Harvard Divinity School professor Karen King announced in 2012 that a 2nd century fragment of papyrus containing the words “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…’” had been found, speculation was rampant. Was Jesus really married? Would that change Catholic doctrine preventing priests from marrying? Who officiated that wedding? You get the idea. (The papyrus also supposedly quoted Jesus as saying “she will be able to be my disciple.”) At the time, King and her colleagues were quick to point out we didn’t actually know anything: “This fragment, this new piece of papyrus evidence, does not prove that (Jesus) was married, nor does it prove that he was not married. The earliest reliable historical tradition is completely silent on that. So we’re in the same position we were before it was found. We don’t know if he was married or not,” King said in a conference call with reporters. Yesterday, news broke that the “ink and papyrus are very likely ancient, and not a modern forgery.” What does that mean? Read more

April 11, 2014
Ohio Mayor Puts Large Crosses Back Up on City Building Because, He Says, “I’m Allowed To” During the Month of Easter
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