May 21, 2021
Citing “Our Creator,” Texas Governor Signs Bill Effectively Banning Abortions
May 21, 2021
Alabama Finally Passes Yoga-in-School Bill Despite Complaints from Christians
May 21, 2021
10 Years Ago Today, Evangelist Harold Camping Wrongly Predicted the Rapture
May 20, 2021
Sinéad O’Connor: Ripping Up the Pope’s Picture “Put Me Back on the Right Track”
May 20, 2021
Christian Lawmaker Falsely Claims No COVID Deaths in TX Since Mask Mandate Ended
May 20, 2021
Franklin Graham Can’t Handle Prince Harry’s Criticism of the First Amendment
May 20, 2021
Man Indicted for Threatening to Blow Up Creation Museum
May 19, 2021
Jeffress: The Supreme Court Must Complete the “Deal” and Overturn Roe v. Wade
May 19, 2021
Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Blocking Satanist Invocation in Scottsdale (AZ)
May 19, 2021
Preacher: Christian Leaders Must Help God Defeat “Wokeness” and “Cancel Culture”
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