July 3, 2021
Lying GOP Activist Claims the Equality Act Would “Illegalize Jesus Christ”
July 3, 2021
GOP Senate Candidate: The Bible & Constitution “Are Not Supposed To Be Separate”
July 2, 2021
Podcast Ep. 381: YouTube Banned (Then Unbanned) Right Wing Watch
July 2, 2021
Evangelist: The 2008 Democratic Convention Stage Was Modeled on Satan’s Throne
July 2, 2021
The Supreme Court Will Decide if Taxpayer Money Should Fund Religious Schools
July 2, 2021
Supreme Court Rejects Appeal from Anti-Gay Christian Florist Barronelle Stutzman
July 2, 2021
A GOP Lawmaker in Washington Wore a Star of David to Protest COVID Vaccines
July 1, 2021
Appeals Court: TX Student Bullied for Not Saying the Pledge May Sue Her Teacher
July 1, 2021
A Christian “Prophet” Said Trump Would Return to Power by June. Oops.
July 1, 2021
Third Mass Gravesite Found at Another Catholic-Run Canadian Residential School
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