September 10, 2019
Ted Cruz, in Twitter Fight With Alyssa Milano, Says Bible Justifies Owning Guns
September 10, 2019
Trump: Democrats (Most of Whom Are Christian) Aren’t “Big Believers in Religion”
September 10, 2019
TN Republican: To Save America, We Must “Get Rid” of “Higher Education”
September 9, 2019
Christian Activist Too Toxic for CO GOP Will Run for El Paso County Commission
September 9, 2019
Pat Robertson: Because of Legal Abortion, God Will Punish Us with Leprosy
September 9, 2019
A Christian Victim of Female Genital Mutilation Wants KY to Criminalize It
September 9, 2019
Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s Corruption at Liberty U. is Even Worse Than We Knew
September 9, 2019
Christian Uber Driver Kicks Lesbians Out of Car After They Kiss on the Cheek
September 8, 2019
Enjoy This Song About Denying One More God Than Everyone Else
September 8, 2019
Focus on the Family Defends Drew Brees By Pretending They’re Not a Hate Group
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