April 2, 2013
The ‘Stomp on Jesus’ Professor Finally Tells His Side of the Story

Last week, I wrote about a controversy concerning a student at Florida Atlantic University, his professor, and “Jesus” written on a piece of paper. I asked the question “Did a student really get suspended for refusing to ‘stomp on Jesus’?” The answer, it seems, is probably not. If you didn’t catch it, here’s a quick recap: Junior Ryan Rotela, a Mormon, was in his Multi-Cultural Communications class taught by Dr. Deandre Poole. As a class activity, Dr. Poole asked all students to get out a piece of paper and write “JESUS” on it. He then asked them to put the paper on the ground and step on it. Rotela refused and, as a result, was suspended from Dr. Poole’s class… or, at least, that’s Rotela’s version of the story. Last week, I postulated that it seemed unlikely that this is was how the story actually went down, but we only had Rotela’s account to work off of. Normally, I really love being proven right, but this particular story has me pretty unhappy with the way it panned out. [More…] Read more

April 2, 2013
The Catholic Church Should Kick Out All Those Bibliophiles
April 2, 2013
Shades of Black Atheism #12: Jack-of-All-Trades, Alix Jules

Alix Jules… where do I even begin? First, let me explain the big blocks of quoted text you’re about to read. Summarizing much of what he said would have been a huge disservice to this article. I didn’t want to leave anything out and distort his message. I’ll start with what he’s doing today and work my way back. Alix is the President of the Black Nonbelievers of Dallas. He’s the Coordinator and Chair for the Dallas-Fort Worth Coalition of Reason as well as the Chair for their Diversity Council. (No, not done yet!) He’s the Executive Director for the Fellowship of Freethought–Dallas. And, just to round all of this out, he sits on the speakers bureau for African Americans for Humanism. Impressive, right? The best part of getting these details is that Alix felt “uncomfortable with titles.” He’s just humbly doing what he can to help. I’m not the only one who is impressed with Alix, either; he was even featured in Ebony magazine: [More…] Read more

April 1, 2013
Tesseracts and the Rosetta Stone
April 1, 2013
The Periodic Table of Irrational Nonsense
April 1, 2013
Mike Huckabee: ‘God Told Me To Become a Humanist’
April 1, 2013
Arkansas State Representative Calls Eight-Year-Old Atheist a Fool
April 1, 2013
Atheist Representation on ‘This Week With George Stephanopoulos’
April 1, 2013
What Christians Teach Their Children
March 31, 2013
Religion Hurts Humanity: Children Accused of Witchcraft
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