You know how you love to read Christian children’s books? I’ll take your silence as a yes. Which is why you’ll be thrilled to hear about a new book your kids won’t be able to live without: Kelly Paul’s Does Jesus Wear Pajamas? (Spoiler alert: He went commando.) But you have to look at some of these excerpts from the book: Read more
If heaven is a better place where you’ll be reunited in great happiness with all the dead people you once loved… well, what’s to prevent bereaved and impressionable people from offing themselves — and gaining a one-way ticket to paradise? I got something in my eye when I read this heartbreaking news story of a 12-year-old girl who missed her deceased father so much that she hanged herself to be with him. My heart goes out to her mother and brother, and to all who loved her. Read more
Peter Adamyan is a painter whose new exhibit “Salvation Mini Mart” at the Loakal Gallery in Oakland, California offers up art that atheists may take a lot of interest in: Read more
M.G. has a question for Billy Graham(‘s minions): Have you ever met anyone who absolutely did not believe in God? I’ve met some people who claimed to be atheists, but after talking with them I decided they only said they were atheists because they thought it made them sound smart. When ignorance like that goes in, you know it won’t smell on roses on the way out. Here’s how Graham(‘s puppets) responded: Read more
In an email interview with the New York Times, Francis Spufford, author of Why, Despite Everything, Christianity Can Still Make Surprising Emotional Sense, told reporter John Williams that his book wasn’t a direct response to the New Atheists, but he still felt they were Strawmanning theists: Read more
To Mark Driscoll, marrying someone who values a woman’s body is like being an accomplice to murder. Read more
Until Friday, if you were a freshman at the U.S. Air Force Academy, you would have concluded your Basic Cadet Training by reciting this Honor Oath: “We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does. Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and to live honorably, so help me God.” It’s that last clause that Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation fought to remove for so long and they just got their wish: Read more
A new academic study appears to show that people who say religion is really important to them are also more likely to lie if it benefits them financially. The same is true for business majors and for children of divorced parents. As for the religious being more dishonest, …[t]he lead researcher [Associate Professor of Economics Jason Childs, at Canada’s University of Regina] hypothesizes that this “really strange effect” is the result of the faithful feeling less kinship with the secular, and ultimately less concern about screwing them over for a few bucks. The study will be published in the December issue of the journal Economics Letters. How was it conducted? The research team randomly split four hundred people into pairs, and asked each pair to conduct a simple money transaction. Read more
The video below, part of The Atheist Voice series, answers the question: What is the teleological argument?: We’d love to hear your thoughts on the project — more videos will be posted soon — and we’d also appreciate your suggestions as to which questions we ought to tackle next! Read more
Richard Dawkins appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher last night and discussed everything from why people fear outspoken atheists to President Obama’s supposed atheism: Read more