The video below, part of The Atheist Voice series, explains reasons atheists should not teach their kids about Santa: What’s that? You think atheist parents *should* teach their kids about Santa Claus? Well, there’s a video for that, too! We’d love to hear your thoughts on the project — more videos will be posted soon — and we’d also appreciate your suggestions as to which questions we ought to tackle next! Read more
The video below, part of The Atheist Voice series, explains reasons atheists should teach their kids about Santa: What’s that? You think atheist parents should *not* teach their kids about Santa Claus? Well, there’s a video for that, too! We’d love to hear your thoughts on the project — more videos will be posted soon — and we’d also appreciate your suggestions as to which questions we ought to tackle next! Read more
Back in March, Hawaiian atheist activist Mitch Kahle and his partner Holly Huber filed a lawsuit against a number of churches that were renting out worship space at public schools at unfair, low rates over the span of six years resulting in a loss of funds for the state of $5,600,000. This wasn’t just some frivolous case. Farrington High School was shortchanged approximately $3,200,000 by New Hope Oahu church, money that could’ve been used to fix a roof collapse at the school. If Kahle and Huber won their lawsuit, the churches could have owed the state up to $16,800,000, three times the amount they owed the schools, if it was found that they knowingly evaded the law. This week, that lawsuit was thrown out by a judge who claimed the evidence just wasn’t there: Read more
A few days ago, upon finding out that Vice Principal Mark Zmuda was forced to resign from Eastside Catholic High School (in Seattle, Washington) for the Jesus-induced crime of being a gay man who married the love of his life, 300 students at the school staged a protest in his honor: Rebecca Hamilton, a Catholic blogger here on Patheos and a long-time member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, was appalled by what happened. I mean how dare those administrators, right?! Wait… no. She’s perfectly fine with them. It’s the students she has it out for: Read more
I don’t know what it was about this freakishly long image thread, but it really put things in perspective… Click on the Earth to see the full story 🙂 (Thanks to Kimberly for the link) Read more
Gary Gibson, Jr., who previously released a hip-hop song about God, has a new song out called “Blackout” and it’s awesome. I don’t know how he packed so many rhymes in it, but he did: Read more
In preparation for an upcoming Atheist Voices video, we’re trying to compile a list of the biggest atheism-related news stories of the year. If you have any suggestions for us to include, please leave them in the comments! Thanks 🙂 Read more
Michael Luciano explains how conservatives think atheists view Christmas. (It’s like he’s giving away our game plan!) (via PolicyMic) Read more