January 23, 2014
Conservative Christian Activist Dinesh D’Souza Charged with Breaking U.S. Election Law
January 23, 2014
Church Official in Atlanta Found Guilty of Knowingly Giving Woman HIV; Faces Second Trial With Another Victim
January 23, 2014
‘Growth and Change’ is Against My Religion, Says Jehovah’s Witness in Lawsuit Against Employer
January 23, 2014
Christian Blogger Apologizes to LGBT People, Says It’s Conservative Christians Who Hurt Marriage Sanctity

Christian missiologist and Patheos blogger Benjamin Corey spent years of his life slandering gay people. That’s what he says, anyway. I’m not sure I believe him. I met Corey in 2007 or 2008 and we struck up a solid friendship, even though he was a social conservative back then and I was, well, anything but. I once asked him about his opposition to same-sex marriage — a cause I had been actively campaigning in favor of — and I didn’t hear slander from him, or hatred. Back then, Corey supported the notion of civil unions for gays, but not full marriage. He felt that marriage rights were the province of straight people only, because there was a sanctity to marriage that would somehow be tarnished if same-sex couples could wed. I don’t remember asking how he squared the sanctity bit with having broken his vows before God when he got divorced himself. Read more

January 23, 2014
When Did Craters Appear on the Moon? Creationists Now Have an Answer: Day 4 of Creation Week
January 23, 2014
Diocese Knew Priest Russell Romano Was a Pedophile; Didn’t Turn Him In Because ‘We Don’t Want To Be Snitches’

Russell Romano, a longtime Illinois clergyman who left the active priesthood in 1991, is thought to have sexually abused more than a dozen boys in his heyday. As recently released records show (with the Catholic Church, there are always recently released records that astonish, despite everything we’ve already learned), church officials were perfectly clear about what Romano did. The Chicago Sun-Times recounts how at Quigley Preparatory Seminary, where Romano worked, Rector Rev. John Klein stated in writing in 1985 that he knew his employee “liked the boys.” When he confronted Romano about his habit of kissing and hugging boys, serving them alcohol and showing them pornography, “Russ immediately and without hesitation admitted that these (actions) showed poor judgement and they would stop immediately — that sincerely I should never worry about him doing any of this again.” Read more

January 23, 2014
Infamous Madoff-Style Swindler Barry Minkow, a Pastor, Pleads Guilty to $3,000,000 Church Fraud

Back in the 80’s, when he was still a teenager, Barry Minkow became famous after he founded a carpet-cleaning company called ZZZZ Best (pronounced Zee Best), an enterprise that made made him wealthy. His luck didn’t last. According to Wikipedia, ZZZZ Best was actually … a front to attract investment for a massive Ponzi scheme. It collapsed in 1987, costing investors and lenders $100 million — one of the largest investment frauds ever perpetrated by a single person, as well as one of the largest accounting frauds in history. The scheme is often used as a case study of accounting fraud. The judge who sentenced Minkow to 25 years in jail in 1989 described him as “a man without a conscience.” Guess what happened behind bars? Minkow found God! And his conscience! Hallelujah! Read more

January 23, 2014
Koran-Burning Pastor Will Square Off Against Atheist at Florida City Council Meeting Tonight
January 23, 2014
Catholic School Leader Who Told Just-Married Gay Administrator He Could Keep His Job if He Got Divorced Resigns
January 23, 2014
Ken Ham: My Debate Against Bill Nye is Proof of ‘Significant Dissent in the Scientific Community’ Over Evolution
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