February 12, 2014
Indian Taliban? Hindu Group Forces Destruction of American Scholar’s ‘Blasphemous,’ ‘Offensive’ Book
February 12, 2014
The Nudist Church: No Fig Leaves For This Congregation
February 12, 2014
South Carolina State Senator Stops Evolution Standard from Being Adopted Because He’d Rather ‘Teach the Controversy’

The way it works in South Carolina, the state Board of Education and the state’s Education Oversight Committee have to agree on new educational standards before they’re adopted for the public schools to implement. On Monday night, the BOE adopted new science standards, which is all well and good… but the EOC refused to approve the following clause: Conceptual Understanding: Biological evolution occurs primarily when natural selection acts on the genetic variation in a population and changes the distribution of traits in that population over multiple generations. Performance Indicators: Students who can demonstrate this understanding can: Analyze and interpret data, using the principles of natural selection, to make predictions about the long term biological changes that occur within two populations of the same species that become geographically isolated from one another. Why wouldn’t they approve it? Ask State Sen. Mike Fair: Read more

February 12, 2014
A Chaplain Is Saddened by the Oklahoma Hospital Story, and Has a Question For You
February 12, 2014
Bill Nye on the Joy of Discovery
February 11, 2014
It’s Time for God to Get Some Rest
February 11, 2014
Defining Atheism: An Excerpt from <em>The Oxford Handbook of Atheism</em>
February 11, 2014
Catholics Love the Pope But Hate the Doctrines He Stands For

As the world’s love affair with Pope Francis continues unabated, there’s one sour note for the pontiff: Even a majority of Catholics don’t buy what he’s supposed to be selling, rejecting the Church’s stance on divorce, marriage rights for clergy, and contraceptives. Per Time magazine: The Vatican faces a wide ideological gap with popularly held beliefs in many countries, a new poll [of more than 12,000 Catholics from five continents] finds. On issues like contraception, gay marriage, divorce and women’s admittance into the priesthood, the Church is at odds with a majority of Catholics in many countries across the world, the poll shows. Over 90 percent of Catholics in countries including France, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, and Columbia favor the use of birth control, a position that opposes official Catholic doctrine. And more than 60 percent of Catholics in countries including France, Spain, Poland, Brazil, Argentina and the United States believe priests should be allowed to marry. Here are key results, courtesy of Univision: Read more

February 11, 2014
What’s the Most Difficult Biblical Contradiction for Christian Apologists to Reconcile?
February 11, 2014
Stage Comedian Behind ‘Come Heckle Christ’ Faces Censorship Demands From Australian Christians
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