March 19, 2014
Creationist Claims That Scientists ‘Don’t Know Much About Evolution’ and Simply Accept it on Faith
March 19, 2014
Nickel Creek Just Released a Song About Pastor Harold Camping’s Misguided Rapture Prediction
March 19, 2014
They’re Turning a Chick Tract About Dungeons & Dragons Into a Movie Now…
March 19, 2014
Why is Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Tweeting a Bible Verse?
March 19, 2014
Conservative Radio Host Hangs Up on Reasonable Atheist Caller for Being ‘Intolerant’
March 19, 2014
Former ‘Two and a Half Men’ Star is Now a Spokesperson for Jesus
March 19, 2014
Fight Against Polio is a Foreign Cause for Muslim Anti-Vaxers; Assaults on Vaccination Teams Also Cost <em>Kids’</em> Lives
March 19, 2014
The 2014 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism Goes to…
March 18, 2014
Republican House Candidate Who Said Autism Was the Result of God’s Anger Over Gay Marriage Just Won Her Primary

Susanne Atanus, the 55-year-old Republican who told a local newspaper that God put autism and dementia on Earth as punishment for marriage equality and abortion, just won her primary for a seat in the House of representatives. She will face off against incumbent Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky this November: Voters in the Republican primary will have two very different candidates to choose from in the 9th Congressional District, as David Earl Williams III and Susanne Atanus vie for the right to face Rep. Jan Schakowsky in the fall… “I am a conservative Republican and I believe in God first,” Atanus said. She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as punishment for gay rights and legalized abortions. Party leaders in the state urged her to drop out of the race, but she didn’t. Worked out for her (and maybe the rest of us, too); she came away with a narrow victory over her opponent David Earl Williams III: Read more

March 18, 2014
It’s Been 14 Years Since the Mass Murder/Suicide of an African ‘Ten Commandments’ Cult That Took 788 Lives

Most people have at least a passing familiarity with the 1978 Jonestown massacre. But few have heard of the remarkable similar events that shocked the world 14 years ago today, a continent away, in Kanungu, Uganda. Close to 800 people perished, and maybe more, some 530 of them in locked church that was set ablaze. The rest were stabbed, strangled, beaten, and very likely poisoned to death. The carnage was the handiwork of an all-black Christian doomsday cult that had split off from the Roman Catholic Church, and that called itself the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, or MRTC. (Note: We’ll have to assume that “Thou Shalt Not Kill” had somehow been temporarily suspended when the cult members murdered their prey.) From the get-go, in the late eighties, the Vatican wanted nothing to do with the group, but the MRTC was nonetheless based on Catholic doctrine: members venerated Catholic icons, and the leadership consisted predominantly of defrocked priests and nuns. At the peak of their influence, they managed to attract around 5,000 members. Followers’ dedication to the Decalog was obsessive: Read more

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