March 29, 2014
The War on Christmas is On! These Christians Are Angry That a School District Renamed Christmas Break ‘Winter Recess’
March 29, 2014
Why Did the Madonna Statue Glow? Belgium’s Miracle That Isn’t
March 29, 2014
Edwin Kagin, the ‘Legal Heart of American Atheists’ and Co-Founder of Camp Quest, Is Dead
March 29, 2014
After Christians Distribute Bibles at Elementary Schools, Atheists Ask Permission to do the Same… and Get It

Last fall, the ACLU of Kentucky sent letters to superintendents in the state warning them about how Gideons International, the Bibles-in-your-hotel-room people, were often given access to public elementary school children, “solely for the purpose of actively distributing copies of New Testament Bibles directly to students.” It didn’t stop Casey County School District Superintendent Marion Sowders from allowing the Gideons into the district’s three elementary schools earlier this year. If you were a non-Christian group, how would you respond? Rather than filing a complaint, the Tri-State Freethinkers decided they just wanted equal access. You let the Gideons give away material to children? Then we want to do the same. So with the help of the ACLU, they sent a letter to Sowders requesting that books about Humanism be left for students to pick up. It worked. Read more

March 29, 2014
Secular Therapist Project Helps Its 3000th Client!
March 28, 2014
Why Should Anyone Promote Atheism? Here’s One Professor’s Great Response
March 28, 2014
Jimmy Wales: Wikipedia Won’t Pretend the ‘Work of Lunatic Charlatans is the Equivalent of True Scientific Discourse’
March 28, 2014
A New Billboard Near the Air Force Academy Reminds Cadets It’s Still Okay to Be Christian… As If Anyone Doubted It
March 28, 2014
Carroll County Commissioner Defies Court Order by Reciting a (Fake) Christian Prayer at Meeting

Only one day after a judge told the Carroll County (Maryland) Board of Commissioners that they couldn’t pray to Jesus during board meetings, one of the commissioners has already defied the ruling: Carroll County Commissioner Robin Bartlett Frazier opened up Thursday morning’s Carroll County Board of Commissioners budget meeting with a prayer containing references to Jesus Christ… … Frazier, who seemed near tears, began the meeting by expressing her displeasure with the judge’s ruling. Frazier, R-District 1, said she was willing to go to jail to fight the preliminary injunction ruling. “If we cease to believe that our rights come from God, we cease to be America,” Frazier said. “We’ve been told to be careful. But we’re going to be careful all the way to Communism if we don’t start standing up and saying ‘no.'” She then proceeded to quote a prayer that she said was by George Washington, which included references to Jesus Christ, Lord, our Father, merciful father and the Holy Spirit. Got that, everyone? Somehow, an order demanding that prayers, if used, remain non-sectarian — a perfectly reasonable accommodation for anyone to make — turned into an order telling Frazier what to think and was the first step in a march to Communism. I thought Frazier’s biggest problem was that she was defying a court order. Now I realize she has far deeper issues she needs to address… Read more

March 28, 2014
Creationist to Give Commencement Address at Montana Engineering School. Let the Boycotts Begin

Greg Gianforte (below) is a wealthy Christian whose family foundation has donated a lot of money to “Christian causes in education, poverty and evangelism” including the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum — a Creation museum in Montana. By itself, that’s not a big deal. He can waste his money however he’d like. But it gets worse. He and his wife have worked closely with both the conservative Heritage Foundation and an affiliate of Focus on the Family. His wife even testified against an ordinance that would ban discrimination against LGBT people. But back to the Creation museum thing for a second. We’re talking about someone who believes the world is a few thousand years old, an idea that makes no sense to anyone trained in science. So who was the genius who invited the Gianfortes to be the commencement speakers at an engineering school that graduates many of the top geologists in the world? That would be Don Blakketter, chancellor of Montana Tech. Read more

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