April 1, 2014
After Religious Schools Censor Questions About Evolution on Standardized Tests, UK Regulatory Group Bans the Practice

About a month ago, we learned that at least one religious school in England gave students a required standardized science exam… with some of the questions redacted: Those students were, therefore, unable to answer those questions. Turns out the reason for the blackouts was that the questions delved into the topic of evolution, something that one school advisor said flew in the face of their “ethos and culture.” In the U.S., private religious schools don’t have to give these exams, but the schools we’re talking about here are “voluntary aided” schools, meaning they are funded mostly by the state and required to follow certain state protocols, despite being religious in nature. The National Secular Society rightly felt that faith wasn’t a good excuse to shortchange these students’ education. They filed a freedom of information request and discovered that, not only were school officials blocking questions about evolution, but also that government officials were complicit in the process! Read more

April 1, 2014
Murderer, 84, Says No to Earthly Justice; Would Like to Settle Deadly Dispute Over Cable TV in the Afterlife
March 31, 2014
<em>Chicago Tribune</em> Covers the Upcoming ‘Humanism at Work’ Conference
March 31, 2014
Quadruple Score: Drunk, Speeding Priest Is Found In Possession of Pot, Guns
March 31, 2014
Saudi Arabia Doubles Down on Atheism; New Laws Declares It Equivalent to Terrorism
March 31, 2014
Right Now: A Conversation Between an Atheist and a Catholic
March 31, 2014
This Must Be the ‘Jenny McCarthy Effect’ in Action

When it comes to autism, what does the science tell us? And how does the media cover it? Neuroscientist Sam Wang, in an essay for the New York Times, goes into both issues: A study published last week found that the brains of autistic children show abnormalities that are likely to have arisen before birth, which is consistent with a large body of previous evidence… Over the last few years, we’ve seen an explosion of studies linking autism to a wide variety of genetic and environmental factors. Putting these studies in perspective is an enormous challenge. In a database search of more than 34,000 scientific publications mentioning autism since its first description in 1943, over half have come since 2008. That’s all well and good, but the graphic included in the piece is a doozy. It shows that when it comes to the science, we ought to be paying closer attention to genetic and environmental factors (the risk of autism is much higher if you have an autistic twin or had an injury to your cerebellum before birth)… and we should stop pretending that vaccines have any connection to it, as shown by the final item on the list: Read more

March 31, 2014
Church Full of Oil Salesmen Claims to Cure Everything from Heart Defects to Mental Illness
March 31, 2014
I Saw <em>Noah</em> So You Don’t Have To
March 31, 2014
New York Circumciser Illegally Shrugs Off Parental Consent for Mouth-to-Penis Suction: ‘I Did What I Had To Do’

I’ve written about metzitzah b’peh circumcisions more than once. The procedure involves the Orthodox-Jewish mohel putting his mouth on the infant’s freshly-circumcised penis and sucking away the blood. Metzitzah b’pehs have resulted in babies ending up with communicable diseases like hepatitis. We know of two cases in which the infant died and others where irreversible brain damage occurred. In New York, with its Orthodox communities in which these dangerously unhygienic circumcisions are still rife, the city’s heath authorities have done nothing to rein in the practice, other than to require the parents to sign a consent form acknowledging that they’re aware of the risks. But even that inadequate measure is going too far for some mohels. One of them is Rabbi Avrohom Cohn, 85, the chairman of the American Board of Ritual Circumcision. Cohn is one of the top baby-penis-cutters in the region, and he says he doesn’t need no steenking permission, the Jewish publication The Forward writes: Read more

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