April 3, 2014
Sen. Ted Cruz Repeats Lie About How He ‘Won’ the Case to Keep ‘Under God’ in the Pledge of Allegiance
April 3, 2014
Should Atheist Candidates Be Forthcoming About Their Religious Views?
April 2, 2014
Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Atheist Denied Early Parole for Not Taking Part in Religious Treatment Program
April 2, 2014
Deeply Protestant South Korean Doctor Performs Gender Reassignment Surgeries to Correct ‘God’s Mistakes’
April 2, 2014
Christian Explains How Young Earth Creationists Are Wrong… Because the Earth is Actually Younger Than They Think
April 2, 2014
How to Discipline Your Children Without God
April 2, 2014
With Help of Atheists, Mormons Will Resign from Church <em>En Masse</em> This Weekend
April 2, 2014
Brunei Embraces Sharia Law, Including Dismemberment and Stoning to Death
April 2, 2014
This Conservative Thinks the Left Has an Unnecessary ‘Obsession’ with Creationism. Here’s Why He’s Completely Wrong

David French, a conservative commenter who also blogs here at Patheos, thinks we (“the secular Left”) pay waaaaaay too much attention to Creationists: … I look at this obsession as a symbol of leftist ignorance of Evangelical culture. Yes, if you ask most Evangelicals what they believe about the age of the earth and the origin of the universe, they’re going to side with the more literal interpretation of the Genesis story. But I would describe this as a “soft” or low-priority belief. Whether the Earth is a few thousand years old or several billion isn’t fundamental to their understanding of the Bible, the world, or their faith. It’s simply their default position. French thinks we should ignore Creationism because most Christians just don’t think very much about it. But there are many, many problems with that: Read more

April 2, 2014
$10,000 a Prayer: If Humanist Group Prevails in Court, These Elected Officials May Owe Hefty Fine for Violating Law
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