April 7, 2014
Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill That Would’ve Allowed Proselytizing During Football Games and Graduation Speeches

Earlier this year, Virginia legislators attempted to pass Senate Bill No. 236. Among other things, the bill would legalize student-led, administration-supported proselytizing at football games, during morning announcements, graduation ceremonies, and anywhere else where students had a public forum. While the bill had stalled at one point, it eventually made it through both the state Senate (on a 20-18 vote) and House (64-34). Proponents of the bill argued that it allowed students to organize religious clubs, plan “See you at the pole” gatherings, and wear religious symbols — but all of those things were already legal. The only thing this bill did was “permit a student speaker to express a religious viewpoint at any school event at which a student is permitted to publicly speak.” It was Christian code, letting students know they could (and should) proselytize at every available opportunity. It was a horrible idea, but the legislators didn’t have the backbone to stand up to the Christian Right. Thankfully, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe had the guts to veto the bill on Friday, citing precisely that distinction: Read more

April 7, 2014
American Atheists’ David Silverman Addresses Crowd at Mass Mormon Resignation
April 7, 2014
This Week, PBS Will Begin Airing Neil Shubin’s Evolution Series, Documenting How We Are ‘Just a Jerry-Rigged Fish’
April 6, 2014
A Secular Invocation at the Pensacola City Council Meeting
April 6, 2014
The Best Sound Bites and Speeches from Prominent Atheists, All on Video
April 6, 2014
After Negative Feedback, Chili’s Will Not Be Donating 10% of Customers’ Checks to Anti-Vaccine Group Tomorrow

Chili’s Grill & Bar was planning to host a nationwide fundraiser tomorrow night in which a portion of all proceeds would be given to the National Autism Association. That sounds all well and good until you take a look at the NAA’s website, specifically the page listing the causes of autism. For no good reason — certainly, no scientific reason — the list includes “Vaccines”: For that reason, spurred by popular websites reporting on it, people began complaining about Chili’s on various social media networks. It’s entirely possible (hell, it’s very probable) Chili’s had no idea supporting the NAA would be controversial — they just figured they were helping a good cause — but to their credit, they’ve just announced that they will no longer be giving any money to the anti-vaxxer organization: Read more

April 6, 2014
In <em>Saturday Night Live</em> Sketch, Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Global Warming to Fox & Friends Crew
April 6, 2014
Idaho’s Largest School District Removes Award-Winning Book from Curriculum in Part Because It Mocks Jesus
April 6, 2014
America’s Most Important Defender of Evolution May Be This Catholic
April 6, 2014
You’re Not Going to Go There
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