October 8, 2020
Self-Described “Pro Science” Rapper MC Hammer Embraces Intelligent Design
October 8, 2020
Trump’s COVID Drugs Relied on Cells That Originally Came from an Aborted Fetus
October 8, 2020
S. Carolina Supreme Court Blocks GOP Gov’s $32 Million Gift to Christian Schools
October 8, 2020
Lawsuit: CA Pastor Molested Stepdaughter for Years, Starting When She Was 11
October 7, 2020
Trump: Catching COVID Was a “Blessing From God.” (210,000 Dead Americans Disagree.)
October 7, 2020
Satanists Ask Supreme Court to Take Up Their Faith-Based Abortion Case
October 7, 2020
Pastor Exposed to COVID Rejects Mask, Tells Church He’s “Ridiculously Healthy”
October 7, 2020
Michele Bachmann: People Who Are “Not Jewish or Not Christian” Ruined Minnesota
October 7, 2020
Remember That the GOP’s Child Separation Policy Was Justified with Bible Verses
October 7, 2020
With Misleading Video, Trump Falsely Claims Democrats Want to Shut Down Churches
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