October 21, 2020
Pope Francis Now Supports Civil Unions For Gay Couples. It’s Not Nearly Enough.
October 21, 2020
NY Officials: Christian “Health Insurance” Companies Are Deceiving Customers
October 20, 2020
Despite Internal Pushback, Secretary Mike Pompeo Spoke to Christian Hate Group
October 20, 2020
Pat Robertson: Trump Will Win, But Eventually an Asteroid Will Destroy the World
October 20, 2020
Televangelist: If Trump Doesn’t Win, Having Sex with Cows Will Become Legal
October 20, 2020
Survey: White Evangelicals, Unlike Other Faith Groups, Don’t Care About COVID
October 20, 2020
Glenn Beck: “I’m Always Wrong with Timing,” but the End Times Are Near
October 19, 2020
A Pentecostal Church in Maine Was Apparently the Site of a Major COVID Outbreak
October 19, 2020
This Pastor Left His Own Church Because It Was Too Full of Trump Supporters
October 19, 2020
Catholic Defenders Lash Out Against People Spreading the Pope Francis Meme
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