December 4, 2020
Pastor Who Blamed COVID on Gay People Now Says Biden Supporters “Are Cursed”
December 4, 2020
Right-Wing Group: How Dare “Young Sheldon” Compare God to an “Invisible Monkey”!
December 4, 2020
California Monolith Torn Down, Replaced with Cross by Racist Christians
December 3, 2020
This is How Atheist Candidates Fared in the 2020 Elections
December 3, 2020
Kat Kerr: If You Lose a Child in a Miscarriage, God Will “Put It Back” Next Time
December 3, 2020
Christian Preacher: “It Is God’s Will for Trump to Win This, Not Biden”
December 3, 2020
Pastor Blames Satan and “Liberal Crazies,” But Not COVID, for Church Closures
December 3, 2020
Pro-Trump Lawyer on Claims of Being “Crazy”: “They Said the Same Thing About Jesus”
December 3, 2020
Anti-LGBTQ Leader Caught Fleeing All-Male Orgy in Brussels, Says Belgian Media
December 2, 2020
Canadian Churchgoers Cry Foul After Receiving Fine for Violating Large Group Ban
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