December 6, 2020
COVID-Denying Christians Are Gathering in Groups Today to Sing Christmas Carols
December 6, 2020
Michigan Pastor Tells Church Members to Get COVID and “Get It Over With”
December 5, 2020
Podcast Ep. 351: An Anti-Gay Hungarian Lawmaker Got Caught in the Most Predictable Way
December 5, 2020
Pastor Rick Joyner: When I Had COVID, I Sat Face-to-Face with God for 15 Days
December 5, 2020
Lying Christian Pastor: Trump Won the Election by an “Absolute Landslide”
December 5, 2020
Michele Bachmann: God, Will You “Allow Donald Trump to Have a Second Term”?
December 4, 2020
Please Support the Work I Do Through This Site
December 4, 2020
Right-Wing Pastor: The “Coup” Against Trump is a Sign of the “End Times”
December 4, 2020
Christian Mommy Blogger: So-Called Christian Feminists “Are Simply Unbelievers”
December 4, 2020
Eric Metaxas is a Symbol of How Evangelicals Have Lost Their Collective Minds
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