October 28, 2021
To Rescue Two Hikers, Five Sikh Men Used Their Turbans to Create a Rope Ladder
October 28, 2021
Evangelist Robin Bullock: God Will Remove Biden as President… Soon… Somehow
October 28, 2021
While Most Americans Want Church/State Separation, Not Many Know What That Means
October 28, 2021
School District Removes Ban on “Satanic” Clothing After Complaint from Satanist
October 27, 2021
Everything Wrong With Exodus 21 in the Bible
October 27, 2021
Father Who Drowned Daughter in Baptismal Pool Sentenced to 11 Years in Jail
October 27, 2021
Secret Call Shows Liberty U.’s “Think Tank” Was Just a Tool to Elect Republicans
October 27, 2021
NY Diocese Fires Catholic School Music Teacher Who Married His Same-Sex Partner
October 26, 2021
Christian Mom: Mattress Ad Promotes “Perversion” By Showing Gay People in Bed
October 26, 2021
GOP Rep.: All of Society’s Problems Result from a “Failure to Follow God’s Laws”
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