January 13, 2021
Kentucky Man in Fatal Car Wreck Was Under the Influence of Alcohol and Jesus
January 13, 2021
Evangelical Christians Make Up About Half of Trump’s Most Hardcore Supporters
January 13, 2021
The Atheist Running “Democrats for Life” Sounds Like a Typical Republican
January 13, 2021
Southern Baptist Leader Openly Supports Impeachment and Conviction of Trump
January 12, 2021
A Creationist is Angry He Can’t Get a Grad School Degree in Creationism
January 12, 2021
Calgary Church Intends to Keep Defying COVID Orders In Spite of Consequences
January 12, 2021
KY Pastor Curses Those Who Have “Stolen the Election” With Poverty and Misery
January 12, 2021
Hate-Pastor: Sure, I Predicted Trump’s Win, But I Didn’t Say God Agreed!
January 12, 2021
Irish Government: Church-Run Homes for Unwed Mothers Led to 9,000 Dead Kids
January 12, 2021
Pope Francis: Take the Vaccine! It’s the “Ethical Choice”
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