April 1, 2021
Congresswoman QAnon: Vaccine Passports Are the “Mark of the Beast”
April 1, 2021
Franklin Graham: God Sent a Super Moon to Free the Boat from the Suez Canal
March 31, 2021
Messianic Rabbi Urges Christians to Celebrate Passover to Honor Jesus
March 31, 2021
Woman Who Made Homophobic Bomb Threats to Catholic School Receives Mild Sentence
March 31, 2021
Evangelist: God and I Spoke, and Trump Will Return to Power by April
March 31, 2021
LGBTQ Students Sued the Dept. of Ed. for Funding Their Bigoted Christian Schools
March 31, 2021
Bible-Thumping TN Lawmaker Can’t Answer Basic Church/State Separation Question
March 31, 2021
GOP Lawmaker Files Bill Forcing Witnesses to Say “So Help Me God” in House Oaths
March 30, 2021
Pastor Who Wears $5,611 Sneakers Calls “Satan Shoes” an “Affront to Believers”
March 30, 2021
A Washington Church Created a Bonkers Video Whining About COVID Restrictions
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