May 30, 2021
Muslim Sues Maryland County for Requiring Prison Chaplains to be Christian
May 30, 2021
Anti-LGBTQ Baptist Foster Care Agency in Kentucky Demands Taxpayer Funding
May 30, 2021
IL GOP Lawmaker: We Need Fair Maps Because There Are “Tampons in Male Bathrooms”
May 30, 2021
Willow Creek’s Leaders Are STILL Praising the Church’s Abusive Founder
May 29, 2021
Rick Wiles, Who Spread COVID Lies for Months, May Be Suffering from COVID
May 29, 2021
Podcast Ep. 376: Sex Doesn’t Cause Every Problem, Frank
May 29, 2021
The Children of Sexual Predator Ravi Zacharias Still Disagree About His Guilt
May 29, 2021
Remains of 215 Children Found at Catholic-Run Residential School in Canada
May 29, 2021
Creationist: Evolution is Racist Because “African Americans” Still Exist
May 29, 2021
Disgraced Baptist Leader Allegedly Stole Artwork and Donor Lists from Seminary
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