March 26, 2013
The Name of Kanye West’s Next Album is Rumored to Be ‘I Am God’
March 26, 2013
As the Supreme Court Weighs Gay Marriage, Let’s Hear It for the Allies
March 26, 2013
Richard Dawkins’ Next Book Has a New Title and a New Look
March 26, 2013
A Creationist is Giving Away $10,000

Joseph Mastropaolo is a Creationist and he has a challenge for evolutionists (more recently mentioned in The Guardian): Prove to an “impartial” judge that science contradicts a literal interpretation of Genesis and the money is yours. A California creationist is offering a $10,000 challenge to anyone who can prove in front of a judge that science contradicts the literal interpretation of the book of Genesis. … Mastropaolo believes that evolution cannot be proved scientifically. “It turns out that there is nothing in the universe [that] is evolving, everything is devolving, everything is going in the opposite direction,” he said. … The Literal Genesis Trial contest would be held in a courthouse in Santa Ana, California and Mastropaolo has said he will create a list of potential superior court judges to decide the case. The participants would have to agree on a judge. Mastropaolo said that he hopes the trials can improve future debates between evolutionists and creationists by addressing the issue in a legal and scientific way. This is what’s known in the scientific world as a “publicity stunt”… Read more

March 26, 2013
The Creation Museum’s Ken Ham is Asking His Followers to Pray for Me
March 26, 2013
Is the US Postal Service Biased Against Atheists? Check Out This Study
March 26, 2013
Bill Maher: ‘Religion: It’s Like Wikipedia. Anyone Can Write Something In’
March 26, 2013
Shades of Black Atheism #11: Ex-Jehovah’s Witness, Ex-Pentecostal Bridgett Crutchfield
March 25, 2013
The Auto-Tuned Bible with Levitical Lyrics
March 25, 2013
A Rebuttal to the Argument That Gay Couples Can’t Get Married Because They Can’t Produce Children
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