April 21, 2013
A Rap Battle Between Charles Darwin and Kirk Cameron
April 21, 2013
A Debate on Atheism vs. Theism, Featuring Dave Silverman and Frank Turek
April 21, 2013
Christian Pastor: Feminists Really Just Want a Man to Put Them in Their Place
April 21, 2013
Just Because TED Doesn’t Promote Pseudoscience Doesn’t Mean They’re Censoring Deepak Chopra

The TED talks you see online tend to be pretty awesome. But that’s partially because we only get to see a small fraction of all the talks given at TED and TEDx conferences. Most of the talks never appear online because the content is curated and filtered. Anyone who has seen TED talks knows that they’re about spreading interesting ideas and starting fascinating conversations, even if you strongly disagree with what’s being said. As content providers, the TED staff isn’t opposed to controversy — nothing generates better discussion than a controversial topic — but the staff is also aware that they can’t post talks that are based in bullshit. A few months ago, a letter was sent out to the TEDx community informing them of the guidelines they should use when selecting speakers. Among them: Don’t invite people who use bad science or pseudoscience in their talks. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 21, 2013
A Humanist Memorial Service for the Victims of the Boston Bombings
April 21, 2013
Your Sunday Morning Sermon with Jerry DeWitt
April 20, 2013
Troopers for Satan
April 20, 2013
New Zealand Teacher Claims He Was Fired for Being an Atheist
April 20, 2013
An Open Apology from the Christian Church to All Gay People

… as written and told by John Shore: The reason that we have so hated you is because we have so feared you. We feared you because we fear our own sexuality. We fear our own sexuality because its power is so far beyond what we are capable of controlling: so utterly, quickly, and inevitably does our sexual lust transform us from pious, composed believers into fevered, bucking animals. … And there you are, out and proud. There you are, embracing that within you which we can barely acknowledge in ourselves. There you are, consciously, purposefully, and wisely integrating your sexuality into the whole of your identity. There you are, with an audacity we now find inspiring and humbling, daring to believe that you, just as you are, are worthy of the most supreme love. You joyously claimed the rainbow; while we, mired in our stubbornness, insisted on seeing only blacks and whites. As one commenter seriously jokes: The last line of the piece should be “And then I woke up.” Read more

April 20, 2013
East, West: Salman Rushdie and the Question of Civilization
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