April 26, 2013
Before That Woman Dies, I’d Like To Tell Her She’s Going to Hell
April 26, 2013
Christian Right Leader Bryan Fischer: Gay People Are As Immoral As Shoplifters!
April 26, 2013
In the Wake of the Boston Bombings, a Petition to Remind Political Leaders That Healing is for Everyone
April 26, 2013
That Religion Doesn’t Make Sense (A Song for Children)
April 26, 2013
Humanist Living Made Simpler
April 25, 2013
Edward Tarte Talks About Tension, Conflict, and Anger in Priests’ Residence
April 25, 2013
A Project to Help Homeschooling Humanists

Guess what? (Are you sitting for this?) Not all parents who homeschool their children are Christian. (I’ll give you a minute to digest that.) It’s true! There are a lot of atheist parents who homeschool their children (for any number of reasons) but there’s a major problem with that: A lot of the material made for homeschooled kids is written from a Young Earth Creationist, the-Bible-must-be-true perspective, such as books from A Beka or BJU Press. KellyAnne Kitchin and Jenn Gauthier have both dealt with that situation in their own lives and they want to make things easier for other parents like them. It’s true that secular textbook writers are out there, but their books can be expensive and, to quote KellyAnne, “used copies often command a much higher price” than used Christian textbooks. [Click headline for more…] Read more

April 25, 2013
Challenge to Christians: Wear an Atheist T-Shirt and Gauge Reactions
April 25, 2013
More Background on That Fourth-Grader’s Creationist Science Quiz
April 25, 2013
Sam Harris (Literally) Fights with a Reporter
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