May 30, 2013
Her Eye Doctor Wanted Her to See Jesus

Joanna Clark is a part-time calligrapher and full-time assistant language teacher in Japan. She’s been there for almost three years, and plans to return to the United States this summer. When she does, she’s going to be reminded how different the countries are in how they practice their respective religions. Home from college on a break, she wanted new reading glasses, so off to the optometrist she went. Joanna happened to be carrying a Tokidoki LeSportSac whose two sides represent heaven and hell. Here’s a close look at a similar Tokidoki purse: After allowing a technician to put a solution in her eyes to dilate her pupils in preparation for a vision test, Joanna was asked to wait. Magazines soon became too blurry too read, but she noticed a Rubik’s Cube adorned with a picture of Jesus and started fiddling with it. Soon, the technician returned with a colleague and the optometrist, and the trio sweetly asked to see her bag. Joanna, not suspecting what was about to come, held it up for them. Then this happened: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 30, 2013
What Are Atheists Doing for the Victims of the Oklahoma Tornado?
May 29, 2013
After Public Grade School Gets Blocked from Performing Religious Play, a Church Steps Right In
May 29, 2013
Father Gabriele Amorth Says He Has 160,000 Exorcisms to His Name
May 29, 2013
So That’s Why Michele Bachmann Isn’t Seeking Reelection…
May 29, 2013
This May Be the First Atheist Megachurch

Last we heard from the London-based Sunday Assembly (a.k.a. Atheist Church), they were being evicted from their home: Unfortunately, they may have to find permanent space sooner than they expected. Trustees from the Steiner School (housed in the same church) have kicked them out of the building. While the trustees cited safety reasons (too many people in the building), Jones contends there’s a less benevolent reason for the eviction. He said that some of the trustees found The Sunday Assembly to be “antithetical to their own ethos.” You can decide for yourself whether it was the living better, helping often, or wondering more that upset them the most. In fact, The Sunday Assembly has complied with all safety regulations, including turning people away at the door if the crowds were getting too large. There’s some good news on this front, though: This June, the Sunday Assembly will begin holding services at the 1,200 seat York Hall in Bethnal Green: [Click headline for more…] Read more

May 29, 2013
American Atheists Responds to Ten Commandments Monument Outside City Courthouse with Monument of Its Own
May 29, 2013
Anonymous No More: Gay Catholic Priest Comes Out
May 29, 2013
New Gallup Poll Says Religion is Losing Influence in Our Society
May 29, 2013
Kountze High School Cheerleaders Are Going Back to Court Over Their Bible Banners

Earlier this month, the Kountze High School cheerleaders won a lawsuit that said they could hold up banners with Bible verses on them to support the football team: You may recall that the cheerleaders were actually fighting their school district in court (not some atheist group) because then-Superintendent Kevin Weldon had told them to stop with the banners. So when Judge Steve Thomas ruled in favor of the cheerleaders, he was simultaneously telling the district it couldn’t stop them from being all preachy on the football field. Thomas wrote in his decision (PDF). There are two big problems with this ruling. One: It makes no sense at all. How could any reasonable person see cheerleaders in school uniforms hoisting banners with Bible verses on them and not see a link between the school district and Christianity? Two: The decision isn’t very clear about what is allowed. Judge Thomas wrote that no law “requires Kountze I.S.D. to prohibit the inclusion of religious-themed banners”… which means the district doesn’t have to put a stop to the students’ banners. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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