August 31, 2013
South Jersey Clergy: Township Council Should ‘Muscle Up’ with More Sectarian Prayers
August 30, 2013
Edward Tarte Explains What He Would Say on His Deathbed if Jesus Visited Him
August 30, 2013
Indian Novelist Arrested for “Objectionable” Portrayal of Hindu God
August 30, 2013
Taking a Short Break…

This is just a brief note to let you all know I’m going to be gone for the next few days so I can focus on my wedding 🙂 (In atheist-speak, I’m getting Hitched.) While I’m gone, Paul Fidalgo will be running the show. Paul is the Communications Director for the Center for Inquiry, a blogger at Near-Earth Object, and the host of a new podcast (The Obcast) that features wonderful long-form conversations with people in the science/tech worlds. If you’re not already subscribed to his show, you should take care of that now. There are a few more posts in the queue, but I’ll be back early next week after taking care of all the chaos and stress and happy-fun-excitement that a wedding brings (and going on a hastily-planned mini-honeymoon in downtown Chicago). Be good to Paul while I’m away! Read more

August 30, 2013
Manitoba Atheist Group Will Run Bus Ads in September
August 30, 2013
Another Set of Faith-Healing Parents Arrested After Allowing Their Daughter to Die of a Treatable Disease
August 30, 2013
Why Is There More Depression Among Clergy Members Than in the General Population?
August 30, 2013
Kentucky Department of Education Reminds Public School Superintendents That Teachers Should Not Proselytize During Work
August 29, 2013
Indians Fight for Recognition of ‘No Religion’ Category in National Census

More than 80% of Indians identify as Hindus. Islam is the second largest group, and it’s six times the size of the third largest category, Christianity. There are a plethora of other religious identities in India, including Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs. When it comes to the national census, though, the rest are all lumped into a single category: “Other.” That includes animists, Baha’is, Jews, Zoroastrians and… atheists. As it stands, there’s no category for “No religion.” For the 2001 Census, the “Other” category added up to 0.6 percent. Which sounds small, until you realize that it amounts to around 4,500,000 people in a nation the size of India. What’s the breakdown of that group? We have no idea. But we do know that the size of the “Other” category doubled between the 1991 and 2001 Census. If global trends are anything to go on, they may have doubled again between 2001 and 2011, which could mean we’re talking about 1.2 percent of the population or 9,000,000 people. [Click headline for more…] Read more

August 29, 2013
The Atheist Who Prays Defends the Placebo Effect

Remember Sigfried Gold, the atheist who found solace in prayer even though he didn’t believe in God? Now, he’s back to respond to his critics. And I don’t think he’s converting many people to his ways in the process… … My fellow atheists have suggested, not always politely, that I’m not an atheist, that I’m not really praying, and that praying is not acceptable behavior for atheists. As politely as I can manage, I would like to defend myself on all three counts. … Now, I can’t claim to speak for all non-reality-based people, but I don’t need imaginary friends, either. I lived for 45 years without them. I just happened to find that when I started talking to an imaginary friend, certain struggles began to evaporate. It became easier to act according to my conscience. [Click headline for more…] Read more

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