September 11, 2013
Does This Mean a Crocoduck Might Actually Have Existed…?
September 11, 2013
Pope Francis: Atheists Can Be Saved if They ‘Obey Their Conscience’
September 11, 2013
Christian Pastor: No One Names Their Kid Barack… ‘Except Crack Whores’
September 11, 2013
Because if Anyone Knows About Clinging to Sacred Theories…
September 11, 2013
The Cross Must be Removed from the 131-Year-Old City Seal of DeLand, Florida
September 11, 2013
Religious School’s Chairman Destroys Student Planners for Including Image of ‘Satanic’ Peace Sign
September 11, 2013
Humanist Celebrants Will Offer Free Wedding Services to Same-Sex Couples in the Military Through 2013
September 11, 2013
Group with Atheist-y Name Claims Responsibility for Bombing of Christian Group’s Veterans Memorial

You may recall that, back in August, there was a small explosion near the Mingus Park Vietnam War Memorial cross in Coos Bay, Oregon. No one was hurt, but the cross was slightly damaged. At the time, the fingers were pointing straight at atheist groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation: “We unfortunately are now to the point where explosive devices are being placed next to crosses,” said Hiram Sasser, director of litigation at the Liberty Institute. … “These people will stop at nothing to intimidate communities to tear down their veterans memorials,” Sasser told Fox News. “Now the crazies are trying to blow one up.” … Sasser called on the FFRF to stop “fanning the flames of hostility toward veterans memorials.” “There are consequences for fomenting hatred for what were once obscure veterans memorials,” he said. “The FFRF should immediately condemn this dangerous criminal act.” FFRF challenged the religious memorial on legal grounds, but we know they would never resort to tactics like this. Still, days later, just to set the record straight, FFRF condemned the actions: FFRF condemns this violent and reckless act. We are in fact not aware of any act of violence committed by a nonbeliever in the name of keeping religion out of government. We have had FFRF billboards and banners vandalized and stolen on occasion, and been the recipient of many threats of violence over the years, so we know how it feels. Dynamiting the Buddhas at Bamiyan or terrorizing abortion clinics are the tyrannical tactics of religious fanatics, not the Freedom From Religion Foundation. We have never, and will never, advocate or employ violence against those with whom we disagree. In the weeks to follow there was little development in the case, but yesterday, there was a strange breakthrough: All City Council members and The World (a newspaper serving the Coos Bay community) received a letter from the purported criminal(s). The writer appears to be a member of an atheist group. [Click headline for more…] Read more

September 11, 2013
Pro-Life Christian Politicians Postpone Florida Execution So Campaign Kick-Off Can Proceed
September 11, 2013
Why Do Atheists Hate God?
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