November 10, 2013
To Shirk Its Financial Obligations, a Powerful Pennsylvania Church Railroaded a Contractor With False Charges

Most church scandals, when they come to light, are sharply delineated events — a pastor raped a child, a priest got caught stealing from the collection plate, et cetera. What officials of the influential Salem Baptist Church in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania did to contractor Walter Logan is more longterm and insidious. But the gist of it, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer, is this: The church’s lawyers accused Logan of a crime they knew he didn’t commit. Then, well-connected church members used their power and political pull to see to it that Logan got arrested, cuffed, and perp-walked. They carried out this dishonesty and venality in an effort to gain the legal upper hand in a contractual dispute between Salem Baptist and Logan. Walter Logan’s company had been hired by Salem to build a family center, but the church unexpectedly pulled out of the agreement in 2007, triggering a “groundless termination” lawsuit from the contractor, who claimed Salem Baptist still owned him more than $200,000. Read more

November 10, 2013
The (Crowdsourced) Pale Blue Dot
November 10, 2013
What if Your Faith Still Remains After You Hear Convincing Arguments for Atheism?
November 9, 2013
War on Christmas Darling: A Joyous Song
November 9, 2013
Polish Church Officials Say Child Sex Abuse Victims Were Just Looking For Love and Fulfillment
November 9, 2013
Atheists Support Recovery Efforts in the Philippines After Super Typhoon Haiyan

As we speak, the people of the Philippines are suffering the after-effects of Super Typhoon Haiyan. A day after Super Typhoon Haiyan roared into the Philippines, officials predicted that the death toll could reach 1,200 or more. “We estimate 1,000 people were killed in Tacloban and 200 in Samar province,” Gwendolyn Pang, secretary general of the Philippine Red Cross, said of two coastal areas where Haiyan hit first as it began its march Friday across the archipelago. That’s just what we know right now. The devastation by the time you read this is likely much, much higher. It has been described as the most powerful storm in recorded history and we need to take action immediately to help those who are struggling in its wake. The Foundation Beyond Belief is asking atheists (and anyone else who would like to join us) to help with the relief efforts: Read more

November 9, 2013
Texas Congressman is on the Warpath to Make Atheist Military Cadets Swear an Oath Containing ‘So Help Me God’
November 9, 2013
Daniel Moran is Running for Texas State Representative… As An Open Atheist
November 9, 2013
Sarah Palin: “An Angry Atheist with a Lawyer is One of the Most Powerful Persons in America”
November 9, 2013
A Science Stocking!
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