If you were at the London Short Film Festival last month — and I’m sure you were — you may have seen Nathan Deming’s 20-minute film about giving up his faith and regaining both his sexuality and sanity. It’s called “Tongues” and he just put it online (some scenes NSFW): Read more
Just a few days ago, we learned that administrators at Pisgah High School in Canton, North Carolina were refusing to allow the formation of an atheist club run by 15-year-old Kalei Wilson (pronounced KAY-lee): After first meeting with Assistant Principal Connie Weeks, the student was told that Weeks needed to “look into” the formation of the group. At subsequent meetings, the student was told by Weeks that they should just join a different club, because the secular club didn’t “fit in” to the community at Pisgah High School, and there were no faculty sponsors available — despite the Equal Access Act stating that if a sponsor couldn’t be found, the administration is required to assign one. Both the Secular Student Alliance and the Freedom From Religion Foundation (along with the ACLU of North Carolina) wrote letters to school officials over the course of several months with hardly a response. A lawsuit was likely imminent since the school already allows a Fellowship of Christian Athletes group without a problem. But the administrators have now changed their minds, saying they’ll allow the atheist club to form. (I’m sure the media outcry had nothing to do with it…) Read more
Pastor Jamie Coots, of the snake-handling Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name church in Middlesboro, Kentucky and one of the stars of the show “Snake Salvation,” has died… from a snakebite. Alright, everyone just get it out of your system: “I told you so.” There. Much better. Read more
Reader Joel Lim found a Bible verse that makes *everything* before it make sense. I don’t know how we ignored Revelation 22:22 for so long. Read more
Oh for crying out loud. Sorry, Galileo. A quarter of Americans surveyed could not correctly answer that the Earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around, according to a report out Friday from the National Science Foundation. Read more
A day after the Creation Debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis posted an after-debate conversation online. It was uneventful as a video — more of the same stuff Ham said during the debate itself — but reader Predrag alerted me to the amusement juxtaposition between AiG’s words and actions. Just take a look at the bottom of the screenshot: Read more
Baba Brinkman, the man behind the “Rap Guide to Evolution,” created this fantastic song in honor of Darwin Day. I’m a couple of days late to post it but it deserves a wider audience! Read more
Looking at this photo and reading the caption (both courtesy of the Guardian), produces contrasting emotions. Good for these believers, and more power to them, if they snatch some dignity or some sense of social cohesion or even meaning from the destruction (though I can’t quite fathom what the Almighty’s message might be). Read more