March 4, 2014
God Just Needs to Open Up His Mind a Little More…
March 4, 2014
How a Local Humanist Group Emerged in a Very Conservative Area
March 4, 2014
British Government Allows Religious Schools to Censor Questions About Evolution on Standardized Tests
March 4, 2014
The Birth Control Case That Infuriated the Religious Right
March 4, 2014
U.K. Court Overrules Jehovah’s Witness Parents, Orders Their Infant To Undergo Lifesaving Blood Transfusions

Let’s see how many pro-life Christians unequivocally support a British court’s decision that a baby is to undergo lifesaving blood transfusions despite his parents’ religious protestations. A High Court judge has given permission for a baby boy to undergo blood transfusions during an operation notwithstanding his parents’ objections on religious grounds. Mr. Justice Keehan had been told by a specialist that the baby — whose parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses — had complex heart disease and no ”long-term prospect of survival” if he did not have cardiac surgery. The baby’s parents had agreed to surgery but said they could not consent to their son — who is a few weeks old — receiving blood. Keehan called the parent’s opposition to blood transfusions “understandable,” but ruled in favor of the medical treatment anyway with an eye on the boy’s best interests. Read more

March 4, 2014
The Creepiest Excuse Ever To Justify Anti-Transgender Discrimination

The next big civil rights hurdle for the LGBT community is full equality for transgender people, and as always, some Christian conservatives take this as a personal threat. And this exchange between two dangerously ignorant Christian men is one of the most disrespectful, downright threatening viewpoints I’ve heard in the debate so far. An increasing number of states are considering laws like California’s SB 1266, which allows transgender students to use whatever school restrooms and athletic facilities best correspond with their gender identity. Religious conservatives are terrified by the idea, regularly launching smear campaigns and repulsive ads that demonize transgender people and cast them as predators — with absolutely no evidence to back up these claims. That’s right: While the most common argument against trans-inclusive school bathrooms is that boys will pretend to be transgender in order to see girls changing, there are no documented examples of this ever happening in any school. It’s a made-up problem. It doesn’t exist. But that hasn’t stopped Christian talking heads from theorizing about what will go wrong if transgender students are allowed to use the restrooms of their choice. Right Wing Watch recently grabbed a video clip of Pastor Jack Hibbs interviewing Brad Dacus, president of the hyper-conservative Pacific Justice Institute, about laws like California’s. In a short minute and a half, they degrade trans students, young women, and even young men in the chilling way that only old Christian dudes can do. Watch below: Read more

March 4, 2014
Arizona House Passes Bill to Give Tax Breaks to Property Owners Who Lease Their Space to Churches
March 4, 2014
No, the Anti-Gay Christian Version of the Boy Scouts is Not Promoting This ‘Sieg Heil’ Salute
March 4, 2014
London Vicar to Defy Church Leaders By Marrying Atheist Same-Sex Partner
March 4, 2014
Pope Potty Mouth
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