March 14, 2014
Dead, Frozen Indian Guru Ashutosh Maharaj Is Just Meditating, Followers Insist
March 14, 2014
Old Anglican Churches Hold Local Homeowners Liable For Church Repairs
March 14, 2014
Georgia Is One Signature Away from a Ten Commandments Monument in the State Capitol Building
March 14, 2014
I Also Lost My Son, but I’m Glad the Roadside Cross in Lake Elsinore Was Finally Taken Down

This is a guest post written by Nikki Moungo. Nikki is a self-employed, work-at-home mother to three inspiring children. … As a bereaved mother, my heart goes out to Ann Marie Devaney and what she is experiencing since the death of her son. A word exists to describe the loss of a spouse: Widow. There is no word to describe the loss of a child, because no words can begin to convey the sheer gravity of what we parents experience. It’s an all-consuming loss, and that’s an understatement. Every fiber of your being is stretched beyond imagination. You think of all the ways you could build a time machine. Denial takes center stage. “It’s not over until I say it’s over! I simply refuse!” repeats like a mantra in your head. One month after my son turned twenty-one, I received “The Call.” I don’t remember the flight. I don’t remember packing my suitcase. All I remember is trying to make it to the city he was in as quickly as possible. When it came time to remove his life support, in spite of my grief, I knew that having the chance to be with him in his final moments was not a “luxury” all parents in my position were afforded. I was able to lay down on his hospital bed with him. I took my grown, young, adult son in my arms, just as I did when he was a baby. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his healthy heart continue to beat for nearly fifteen minutes after life support was removed. Each beat brought with it a ray of hope… but then his heartbeats slowed, until the monitor flat-lined with it’s macabre long beep. Read more

March 14, 2014
After Former Students Say They Were Sexually Assaulted on Campus, Christian College Accuses Them (!) of Harassment
March 14, 2014
Man Saved From Submerged Car Credits God’s Grace For the Rescue… and Prepares to Sue His First Responders
March 14, 2014
When Will He Finally Have Enough Angels?
March 14, 2014
Islamic Advisory Council in Pakistan Says Girls Should Be Permitted to Marry <em>at Any Age</em>
March 13, 2014
The Differences Between the Secular and Religious Arguments Against Abortion
March 13, 2014
A Rebuttal to the Pro-Life Atheist
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